Boyer Bransden Electronic Ignition Kits - Over 50 years Proven Performance
In 1969 Ernie Bransden designed and patented a miniature electronic ignition that was a fraction of the
size and far more efficient than any of its competitors. Since that time various electronic ignitions and
manufacturers have come and gone, but Boyer Bransden have been in constant production.
Today, Boyer Bransden produce one of the most efficient ignition systems in the world. All systems
are carefully hand built in the UK under the ethos of supplying hardy products that last.
The improved MKIV versions are designed to improve the timing stability if engine starting with a very low or variable battery voltage. The design changes are internal and do not affect the external appearance of the unit. Identified by the 'MKIV' caption on the label the new units are fully interchangeable with previously produced MK3 and MK1a units, and offer improved performance for both electric and kick start machines
British Spares Ltd offer full testing facilities, spares back up, and warranty claims processing for
Boyer Bransden ignition systems and components.
Boyer Bransden Electronic Ignition systems fire all coils together in series and therefore share the available voltage across the number of coils on your motorcycle.
For this reason, it is recommended that you install:
12 Volt coils on single cylinder machines
6 Volt coils on twin cylinder machines
4 volt coils on triples (due to unavailability of reliable 4 volt coils, most triple owners will have to use 6 Volt coils, which do operate very satisfactorily.)
These kits are used to replace the original Lucas Points Plate Assembly (and Condensers) and the Advance and Retard Mechanism. The Boyer Bransden Electronic Ignition is proved to be very reliable, easy to fit, with no maintenance.
For the best results setting ignition timing a stroboscope should be used.
Keeping the standard ignition points maintained and firing accurately on a BSA or Triumph triple is a thankless task, and one that needs repeating at frequent intervals for smooth running and top performance.
Fitting a Boyer Bransden MkIV Igntion System is a fairly simple one-off task that, once set, will not need repeating ever...
Just fit and forget, job done.
Fits the following Triumph and BSA 3 cylinder models:
BSA A75, A75R and A75RV Rocket 3 models 1968-1972
Triumph T150T, T150, T150V and T160 models 1968-1976
Triumph X75 Hurricane 1973
It is recommended that a new set of 4 Volt or 6 Volt ignition coils are fitted in conjunction with your new Boyer Bransden MkIV Ignition System.
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